Principles of Machine Learning (STATS 302 / COMPSCI 309)
Fall 2024-2025 / Session 1 (7 weeks, 35 + 8.75 hours)
Course Period: August 19 - October 10, 2024
- Lectures: Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday @ 08:30-09:45 (Classroom: LIB 1123 + Zoom Recording)
- Recitations / Labs: Tuesday @ 13:15-14:30 (Classroom: LIB 1123 + Zoom Recording)
Instructor: Mustafa MISIR (Office: WDR 2106), mustafa.misir [at]
Recitation / Lab Instructors (Teaching Assistants):
Machine Learning (ML) is a popular field with interdisciplinary characteristics relating to various fields including Computer Science, Mathematics and Statistics. ML aims at learning without being explicitly programmed, through data and experience. The target applications are the complex tasks which are challenging, impractical or unrealistic to program. ML can be used to address those sophisticated activities that humans or animals can routinely do such as speech recognition, image understanding and driving. The other functions to learn that ML concentrates on, are concerned with the ones requiring capabilities beyond human capacities, in terms of speed and memory.
This course will identify the major ML problems while introducing the fundamental ML algorithms to solve them. To be specific, the topics to be covered are maximum likelihood estimation, linear discriminant analysis, logistic regression, support vector machines, decision trees, linear regression, Bayesian inference, unsupervised learning, and semi-supervised learning. The course will require basic programming skills (Python) and introductory level knowledge on probability and statistics besides benefiting from certain linear algebra concepts.
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
- specify a given learning task as a ML problem
- determine the appropriate ML algorithms for addressing an ML problem
- manipulate the given data concerned with a learning task so that the preferred ML algorithm can be effectively applied
- construct generalizable ML models that can address a given ML problem of unseen data
- analyze the performance of the ML algorithms while revealing their shortcomings referring to the nature of the data
- build complete ML workflows in Python together with the relevant libraries / frameworks / tools besides effectively communicating your methods and results using Jupyter notebooks
Follow Canvas for announcements and discussions
| Academic Calendar
The chart, on the right, shows how STATS 302 / COMPSCI 309 fits to the DKU curriculum, where the abbreviations indicate the course types, i.e. D: Divisional, DF: Divisional Foundation, ID: Interdisciplinary and E: Elective. Refer to the DKU Undergraduate Bulletin (2024-2025) for more details.
- MATH 201: Multivariable Calculus
- MATH 202: Linear Algebra
- MATH 205 / 206: Probability and Statistics
- COMPSCI 201: Introduction to Programming and Data Structures
- MATH 405: Mathematics of Data Analysis and Machine Learning
There is no official textbook for this course. Still, the following books can be used as references.
Reference Books
- Introduction to Statistical Learning, Gareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie, Rob Tibshirani (1st / 2nd Edition), 2017 (Corrected 7th Printing) / 2021, Springer (Free Book) [ Slides and Videos ]
- Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Christopher Bishop (1st Edition), 2006, Springer (Free Book) [ Solution Manual (2009) ]
- Probabilistic Machine Learning: An Introduction, Kevin P. Murphy (1st Edition), 2021, MIT Press (Free Book)
- Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective, Kevin P. Murphy (1st Edition), 2012, MIT Press (Free Book)
- Algorithms for Decision Making, Mykel J. Kochenderfer, Tim A. Wheeler, Kyle H. Wray (1st Edition), 2022, MIT Press (Free Book)
- Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning, Carl Edward Rasmussen, Christopher K. I. Williams (1st Edition), 2006, MIT Press (Free Book)
- Probabilistic Graphical Models, Daphne Koller, Nir Friedman (1st Edition), 2009, MIT Press
- Machine Learning, Zhi-Hua Zhou (1st Edition), 2021, Springer
- Introduction to Machine Learning, Ethem Alpaydin (3rd Edition), 2014, MIT Press
- Understanding Machine Learning: From Theory to Algorithms, Ehai Shalev-Shwartz, Shai Ben-David (1st Edition), 2014, Cambridge University Press (Free Book)
- Learning from Data, Yaser S. Abu-Mostafa, Malik Magdon-Ismail, Hsuan-Tien Lin (1st Edition), 2012, AMLBook
- Machine Learning: an Algorithmic Perspective, Stephen Marshland (2nd Edition), 2015, CRC Press
- Machine Learning Refined: Foundations, Algorithms, and Applications, Jeremy Watt, Reza Borhani, Aggelos K. Katsaggelos (1st Edition), 2016, Cambridge University Press
- Foundations of Machine Learning, Mehryar Mohri, Afshin Rostamizadeh, Ameet Talwalkar (2nd Edition), 2018, MIT Press (Free Book)
- Machine Learning, Tom Mitchell (1st Edition), 1997, McGraw Hill Press
- A Course in Machine Learning, Hal Daume III (2nd Edition), 2017 (Free Book)
- A First Course in Machine Learning, Simon Rogers, Mark Girolami (2nd Edition), 2017, Chapman and Hall/CRC Press [ Source Code ]
- Machine Learning: A First Course for Engineers and Scientists, Andreas Lindholm, Niklas Wahlstrom, Fredrik Lindsten, Thomas B. Schon (1st Edition), 2022, Cambridge University Press (Free Book) [ Lecture Slides ]
- Introduction to Machine Learning, Alex Smola, S.V.N. Vishwanathan (1st Edition), 2008, Cambridge University Press (Free Book)
- Patterns, Predictions, and Actions: A Story about Machine Learning, Moritz Hardt, Benjamin Recht (1st Edition), 2022, Princeton University Press (Free Preprint)
- Machine Learning Fundamentals: A Concise Introduction, Hui Jiang (1st Edition), 2022, Cambridge University Press
- Machine Learning: A Concise Introduction, Steven W. Knox (1st Edition), 2018, Wiley
- Machine Learning Algorithms in Depth, Vadim Smolyakov (1st Edition), 2024, Manning
- Introduction to Machine Learning, Sanjeev Arora, Danqi Chen, Simon Park, Dennis Jacob (07/09), 2024, COS 324 Lecture Notes, Princeton University (Free)
- Machine Learning from Scratch, Danny Friedman (1st Edition), 2020 (Free Book)
- Machine Learning for Engineers, Osvaldo Simeone (1st Edition), 2022, Cambridge University Press
- Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning, David Barber (1st Edition), 2012/2020, Cambridge University Press (Free Book)
- Bayesian Models of Cognition: Reverse Engineering the Mind, Thomas L. Griffiths, Nick Chater, Joshua B. Tenenbaum (1st Edition), 2024, MIT Press
- Fundamentals of Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Ulisses Braga-Neto (1st Edition), 2024, Springer
- An Elementary Introduction to Statistical Learning Theory, Sanjeev Kulkarni, Gilbert Harman (1st Edition), 2011, Wiley
- All of Statistics: A Concise Course in Statistical Inference, Larry Wasserman (1st Edition), 2004, Springer [ Datasets ]
- Applied Predictive Modeling, Max Kuhn, Kjell Johnson (2nd Edition), 2018, Springer
- The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Book, Andriy Burkov, 2019 (Free Book - Draft Version)
- Machine Learning Mastery With Python, Jason Brownlee, 2016
- Reinforcement Learning: an Introduction, Richard S. Sutton ve Andrew G. Barto (2nd Edition), 2020, MIT Press (Free Book)
- Artificial Intelligence: With an Introduction to Machine Learning, Richard E. Neapolitan, Xia Jiang (2nd Edition), 2018, CRC Press
- Distributional Reinforcement Learning, Marc G. Bellemare, Will Dabney, Mark Rowland (1st Edition), 2023, MIT Press
- Applying Reinforcement Learning on Real-World Data with Practical Examples in Python, Philip Osborne, Kajal Singh, Matthew E. Taylor, 2022, Springer (Free Book)
- Fundamentals of Reinforcement Learning, Rafael Ris-Ala, 2023, Springer
- Machine Learning from Weak Supervision, Masashi Sugiyama, Han Bao, Takashi Ishida, Nan Lu, Tomoya Sakai and Gang Niu (1st Edition), 2022, MIT Press
- The StatQuest Illustrated Guide To Machine Learning, Josh Starmer (1st Edition), 2022 [ Video Lectures ]
- Machine Learning Q and AI: 30 Essential Questions and Answers on Machine Learning and AI, Sebastian Raschka (1st Edition), 2024, No Starch Press [ Code Repository ]
- The Art of Feature Engineering: Essentials for Machine Learning, Pablo Duboue (1st Edition), 2020, Cambridge University Press
- Feature Engineering and Selection: A Practical Approach for Predictive Models, Max Kuhn, Kjell Johnson (1st Edition), 2021, Chapman & Hall/CRC Press
- Feature Engineering for Machine Learning: Principles and Techniques for Data Scientists, Alice Zheng, Amanda Casari (1st Edition), 2018, O'Reilly Press
- Machine Learning Yearning, Andrew Ng (1st Edition), 2020, (Free Book - Draft Version)
- Machine Learning: The New AI, Ethem Alpaydin (1st Edition), 2016, MIT Press
- Machine Learning Engineering, Andriy Burkov (1st Edition), 2020, True Positive Inc. (Free Book)
- Deep Learning with Python, Francois Chollet (2nd Edition), 2021, Manning Press (Free Book) [ Source Code ]
- Deep Learning, Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, Aaron Courville (1st Edition), 2016, MIT Press (Free Book)
- Deep Learning: Foundations and Concepts, Christopher M. Bishop, Hugh Bishop (1st Edition), 2024, Springer (Free Book)
- Neural Networks and Deep Learning, Michael Nielsen, 2019 (Free Book)
- Neural Networks and Learning Machines, Simon Haykin (3rd Edition), 2009, Pearson
- Neural Networks and Deep Learning: A Textbook, Charu C. Aggarwal (1st Edition), 2018, Springer
- Machine Learning with Neural Networks: an Introduction for Scientists and Engineers, Bernhard Mehlig (1st Edition), 2022, Cambridge University Press
- The Little Book of Deep Learning, Francois Fleuret (v1.2), 2024, Universite de Geneve (Free Book)
- Learning Deep Learning: Theory and Practice of Neural Networks, Computer Vision, NLP, and Transformers using TensorFlow, Magnus Ekman (1st Edition), 2021, Addison-Wesley [ Source Code - Cheat Sheets: 0, 1, 2, 3 ]
- Deep Learning for Vision Systems, Mohamed Elgendy (1st Edition), 2020, Manning Press [ Source Code ]
- Inside Deep Learning: Math, Algorithms, Models, Edward Raff (1st Edition), 2022, Manning Press [ Source Code ]
- Dive into Deep Learning, Aston Zhang, Zachary C. Lipton, Mu Li, and Alexander J. Smola, 2020 (Free Book)
- Understanding Deep Learning, Simon J.D. Prince (1st Edition), 2024 (Free Book) [ Code Repository ]
- The Science of Deep Learning, Iddo Drori (1st Edition), 2022, Cambridge University Press
- Neural Network Design, Martin T Hagan, Howard B Demuth, Mark H Beale, Orlando De Jesus (2nd Edition), 2014 (Free Book)
- Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing, Mihai Surdeanu, Marco Antonio Valenzuela-Escarcega (1st Edition), 2024, Cambridge University Press
- Mathematical Aspects of Deep Learning, Philipp Grohs, Gitta Kutyniok (1st Edition / Eds.), 2023, Cambridge University Press
- Mathematical Engineering of Deep Learning, Benoit Liquet, Sarat Moka, Yoni Nazarathy (1st Edition), 2024, CRC Press
- Materials Data Science, Stefan Sandfeld (1st Edition), 2024, Springer
- Data Science: An Introduction to Statistics and Machine Learning, Matthias Plaue (1st Edition), 2023, Springer
- Artificial Intelligence and Causal Inference, Momiao Xiong (1st Edition), 2022, Chapman and Hall/CRC Press
- Concise Machine Learning, Jonathan Richard Shewchuk (Ed: May 3, 2022), 2022, UC Berkeley - ML Lecture Notes (Free Book)
- Advances in Deep Learning, M. Arif Wani, Farooq Ahmad Bhat, Saduf Afzal ve Asif Iqbal Khan, 2020, Springer
- Grokking Deep Learning, Andrew W. Trask (1st Edition), 2019, Manning
- Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow: Concepts, Tools, and Techniques to Build Intelligent Systems, Aurelien Geron (2nd Edition), 2019, O'Reilly
- AI and Machine Learning for Coders: A Programmer's Guide to Artificial Intelligence, Laurence Moroney (1st Edition), 2021, O'Reilly
- AI and Machine Learning for On-Device Development, Laurence Moroney (1st Edition), 2021, O'Reilly
- The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction, Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, Jerome Friedman (2nd Edition), 2009, Springer (Free Book)
- Speech and Language Processing: An Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, and Speech Recognition, Dan Jurafsky, James H. Martin (3rd Edition), 2020, Prentice Hall (Free Book)
- Personalized Machine Learning, Julian McAuley (1st Edition), 2022, Cambridge University Press
- A Hands-On Introduction to Machine Learning, Chirag Shah (1st Edition), 2023, Cambridge University Press
- Machine Learning: A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide, Akshay B R, Sini Raj Pulari, T S Murugesh, Shriram K Vasudevan (1st Edition), 2024, CRC Press
- Machine Learning Engineering in Action, Ben Wilson (1st Edition), 2022, Manning
- Designing Machine Learning Systems: An Iterative Process for Production-Ready Applications, Chip Huyen (1st Edition), 2022, O'Reilly Press
- Distributed Machine Learning Patterns, Yuan Tang (1st Edition), 2024, Manning Publications [ Code Repository ]
- Machine Learning Theory and Applications: Hands-on Use Cases with Python on Classical and Quantum Machines, Xavier Vasques (1st Edition), 2024, Wiley
- The Statistical Physics of Data Assimilation and Machine Learning, Henry D. I. Abarbanel (1st Edition), 2022, Cambridge University Press
- Ensemble Methods: Foundations and Algorithms, Zhi-Hua Zhou (1st Edition), 2012, CRC Press
- Learning Kernel Classifiers: Theory and Algorithms, Ralf Herbrich (1st Edition), 2002, MIT Press
- The AI Playbook: Mastering the Rare Art of Machine Learning Deployment, Eric Siegel (1st Edition), 2024, MIT Press
- Data-Driven Fluid Mechanics: Combining First Principles and Machine Learning, Miguel A. Mendez, Andrea Ianiro, Bernd R. Noack, Steven L. Brunton (1st Edition), 2023, Cambridge University Press
- Probabilistic Machine Learning for Civil Engineers, James-A. Goulet (1st Edition), 2020, MIT Press
- Mathematics for Machine Learning, Marc Peter Deisenroth, A. Aldo Faisal, Cheng Soon Ong (1st Edition), 2020, Cambridge University Press (Free Book)
- The Mathematics of Machine Learning: Lectures on Supervised Methods and Beyond, Maria Han Veiga, Francois Gaston Ged (1st Edition), 2024, De Gruyter
- Why Machines Learn: The Elegant Math Behind Modern AI, Anil Ananthaswamy (1st Edition), 2024, Dutton
- Linear Algebra and Optimization for Machine Learning: A Textbook, Charu C. Aggarwal (1st Edition), 2020, Springer
- Optimization for Machine Learning, Suvrit Sra, Sebastian Nowozin, Stephen J. Wright (Edited - 1st Edition), 2011, MIT Press
- Convex Optimization, Stephen Boyd, Lieven Vandenberghe (1st Edition), 2004, Cambridge University Press (Free Book)
- Convex Optimization: Algorithms and Complexity, Sebastien Bubeck (1st Edition), Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning, 2004, Now Publishers (Free Book)
- An Introduction to Optimization: With Applications in Machine Learning and Data Analytics, Jeffrey Paul Wheeler (1st Edition), 2023, CRC Press
- Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber, Jian Pei (3rd Edition), 2012, Morgan Kaufmann
- Data Mining and Analysis: Fundamental Concepts and Algorithms, Mohammed J. Zaki ve Wagner Meira, Jr. (1st Edition), 2014, Cambridge University Press (Free Book)
- Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques, Ian H. Witten, Eibe Frank, Mark A. Hall, Christopher J. Pal (4th Edition), 2016, Morgan Kaufmann Press
- Data Mining: The Textbook, Charu C. Aggarwal (1st Edition), 2015, Springer Press
- Big Data and Social Science: Data Science Methods and Tools for Research and Practice, Ian Foster, Rayid Ghani, Ron S. Jarmin, Frauke Kreuter, Julia Lane (2nd Edition - Ed.), 2020, CRC Press (Free Book)
- Data Clustering, Chandan K. Reddy, Charu C. Aggarwal (1st Edition - Ed.), 2014, CRC Press (Free Book)
- Data Cleaning, Ihab F. Ilyas, Xu Chu (1st Edition), 2019, ACM
- Image Processing and Machine Learning, Volume 1: Foundations of Image Processing, Erik Cuevas, Alma Nayeli Rodriguez (1st Edition), 2024, CRC Press
- Image Processing and Machine Learning, Volume 2: Advanced Topics in Image Analysis and Machine Learning, Erik Cuevas, Alma Nayeli Rodriguez (1st Edition), 2024, CRC Press
Lecture Notes / Slides
- Week 0 (Reviews)
- Linear Algebra
- External Review:
CS229: Machine Learning (Zico Kolter++ Stanford U) - Linear Algebra
- External Review (+ Lecture Videos):
Linear Algebra Review (Zico Kolter, CMU) - Linear Algebra
- Book Chapter:
Deep Learning by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, Aaron Courville (2016), Chapter 2 - Linear Algebra
- Probability & Statistics
- Week 1 [19/08 - 22/08] (Keywords: History, Terminology and Basics; Supervised Learning; Regression Problem; Gradient Descent)
- About STATS 302 / COMPSCI 309
- Introduction to Machine Learning
- Article:
Jordan, M.I., 2019. Artificial intelligence-the revolution hasn't happened yet. Harvard Data Science Review, 1(1)
- Article:
Jordan, M.I. and Mitchell, T.M., 2015. Machine learning: Trends, perspectives, and prospects. Science, 349(6245), pp.255-260
- Article:
Domingos, P., 2012. A Few Useful Things to Know about Machine Learning. Communications of the ACM, 55(10), pp.78-87
- Article:
Breiman, L., 2001. Statistical modeling: The two cultures. Statistical Science, 16(3), pp.199-231
- Article:
Minsky, M., 1961. Steps Toward Artificial Intelligence. Proceedings of the IRE, 49(1), pp.8-30
- Video:
Shakey the Robot: The First Robot to Embody Artificial Intelligence (1966-1972) by SRI International
- Learning Problem
- External Video:
CS156: Learning Systems (Yaser Abu-Mostafa, Caltech) - Learning Problem
- Linear Regression
- External Lecture Notes:
CS229: Machine Learning (Andrew Ng, Stanford U) [Part I] - Linear Regression
- External Video:
CS229: Machine Learning (Andrew Ng, Stanford U) - Linear Regression
- Over / Under-fitting
- Book Chapter:
Introduction to Statistical Learning by Gareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie, Rob Tibshirani (2017), Chapter 2.2.2 - Bias-Variance Trade-Off
- Book Chapter:
Introduction to Statistical Learning by Gareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie, Rob Tibshirani (2017), Chapter 6.2 - Shrinkage Methods
- Recitation / Lab: Google Colab, Python (+ NumPy, Matplotlib), scikit-learn, Linear Regression
REMINDER [22/08, Thursday]: Drop/add ends for first 7-week undergraduate session.
{ Source: Academic Calendar }
- Week 2 [26/08 - 29/08] (Keywords: Supervised Learning; Classification Problem; Regression Problem)
- Logistic Regression
- k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN)
- External Lecture Notes:
CS4780: Machine Learning for Intelligent Systems (Kilian Weinberger, Cornell U) - kNN
- External Video:
CS4780: Machine Learning for Intelligent Systems (Kilian Weinberger, Cornell U) - kNN
- Naive Bayes
- Review:
Deep Learning by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, Aaron Courville, Chapter 3 - Probability
- Article:
Hand, D.J. and Yu, K., 2001. Idiot's Bayes-not so stupid after all?. International statistical review, 69(3), pp.385-398
- External Lecture Notes:
CS4780: Machine Learning for Intelligent Systems (Kilian Weinberger, Cornell U) - Bayes Classifier and Naive Bayes
- External Video:
CS4780: Machine Learning for Intelligent Systems (Kilian Weinberger, Cornell U) - Naive Bayes
- Recitation / Lab: Pandas, Logistic Regression, kNN, Naive Bayes
- Homework 1: TBA
- Week 3 [02/09 - 05/09] Artificial Neural Networks (Keywords: Supervised Learning; Feed-forward Neural Networks; Regression Problem; Classification Problem)
- Perceptrons
- Article (Optional / Historical):
McCulloch, W.S. and Pitts, W., 1943. A logical calculus of the ideas immanent in nervous activity. The bulletin of mathematical biophysics, 5(4), pp.115-133
- Article (Optional / Historical):
Rosenblatt, F., 1958. The perceptron: a probabilistic model for information storage and organization in the brain. Psychological review, 65 (6), p. 386
- Book Chapter:
Neural Networks and Deep Learning by Michael Nielsen (2019), Chapter 1 - Perceptrons
- External Lecture Notes:
CS4780: Machine Learning for Intelligent Systems (Kilian Weinberger, Cornell U) - Perceptrons
- External Video:
CS4780: Machine Learning for Intelligent Systems (Kilian Weinberger, Cornell U) - Perceptrons
- Multi-layer Perceptrons (MLPs)
- Recitation / Lab: TensorFlow, Neural Networks
- Homework 2: TBA
- Week 4 [09/09 - 12/09] (Keywords: Supervised Learning; Regression Problem; Classification Problem)
- Decision Trees
- Book Chapter:
Introduction to Statistical Learning by Gareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie, Rob Tibshirani (2014), Chapter 8 - Tree-based Methods
- Ensembles: Bagging and Boosting
- Book Chapter:
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning by Christopher Bishop (2006), Chapter 14 - Combining Models
- Book Chapter:
Introduction to Statistical Learning by Gareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie, Rob Tibshirani (2017), Chapter 8.2 - Bagging, Random Forests, Boosting
- Support Vector Machines (SVM)
- External Lecture Notes:
CS229: Machine Learning (Andrew Ng, Stanford U) [Part VI] - SVM
- External Video:
CS229: Machine Learning (Andrew Ng, Stanford U) - SVM
- External Lecture Notes:
CS4780: Machine Learning for Intelligent Systems (Kilian Weinberger, Cornell U) - SVM
- External Video:
CS4780: Machine Learning for Intelligent Systems (Kilian Weinberger, Cornell U) - SVM
- Recitation / Lab: Decision Trees, Ensembles, SVM
- Homework 3: TBA
MIDTERM EXAM [10/09, Tuesday, 18:30-20:30, LIB 1123]
HOLIDAY [14/09, Saturday - 17/09, Tuesday]: Mid-Autumn Festival (NO CLASSES) - Continue on [18/09, Wednesday], this week's lectures end on [21/09, Saturday]
{ Source: Academic Calendar }
- Week 5 [18/09 - 21/09] (Keywords: Unsupervised Learning; Dimensionality Reduction; Clustering: +Evaluation and Analysis)
- Dimensionality Reduction
- Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
- External Lecture Notes:
CS229: Machine Learning (Andrew Ng, Stanford U) - PCA
- External Lecture Notes:
CS4786: Machine Learning for Data Science (Karthik Sridharan, Cornell U) - PCA
- Clustering: k-means and k-medoids
- Recitation / Lab: PCA, k-means
- Homework 4: TBA
REMINDER [21/09, Saturday]: Last day to withdraw with a W grade of first 7-week classes; Last day to change grading basis of first 7-week classes.
{ Source: Academic Calendar }
- Week 6 [23/09 - 26/09] (Keywords: Graphical Models)
- Bayesian Networks
- Markov Random Fields (MRF)
- Book Chapter:
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning by Christopher Bishop (2006), Chapter 8.3 - Bayesian Networks
- External Lecture Notes:
CS228 - Probabilistic Graphical Models (Stefano Ermon, Stanford U) - MRF
- Factor Graphs
- Book Chapter:
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning by Christopher Bishop (2006), Chapter 8.4.3 - Factor Graphs
- Recitation / Lab: Graphical Models
- Homework 5: TBA
HOLIDAY [01/10, Tuesday - 07/10, Monday]: National Day Holiday (NO CLASSES) - Continue on [08/10, Tuesday], this week's lectures end on [10/10, Thursday]
{ Source: Academic Calendar }
- Week 7 [08/10 - 10/10] (Keywords: Sequential Decision Making)
- Hidden Markov Models (HMMs)
- Book Chapter:
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning by Christopher Bishop (2006), Chapter 13 - Sequential Data
- Book Chapter:
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning by Christopher Bishop (2006), Chapter 13.2 - HMMs
- Recitation / Lab: HMMs
- Homework 6: TBA
PROJECT PRESENTATIONS [10/10, Thursday, 08:30-09:45 (regular lecture time)] (NO LECTURE)
FINAL EXAM [14/10, Monday, 15:30-18:30, LIB 2123]
- Homework: 20%
- Mathematical, Conceptual, or Programming related
- Submit on Canvas; 6 in total, the lowest score is dropped
- Weekly Journal: 10%
- Each week, write a page or so about what you have learned
- Submit on Canvas; 2 points off for each missing journal, capped at 10
- Midterm: 20%
- Final: 30%
- Project: 20%
- Report Rubric (TBA)
- Presentation Rubric (TBA)
Reference Courses
Sample Projects
Other Books
Quick / Easy Reads:
- The Self-Assembling Brain: How Neural Networks Grow Smarter, Peter Robin Hiesinger (1st Edition), 2021, Princeton University Press
- Behind Deep Blue: Building the Computer That Defeated the World Chess Champion, JFeng-hsiung Hsu (2nd Edition), 2002 / 2022, Princeton University Press [ Video: Deep Blue | Down the Rabbit Hole ]
- AI Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley, and the New World Order, Kai-Fu Lee (1st Edition), 2018, Houghton Mifflin Harcour [ Video Lecture ]
- AI 2041: Ten Visions for Our Future, Kai-Fu Lee, Chen Qiufan (1st Edition), 2021, Currency
- Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, Max Tegmark (1st Edition), 2018, Vintage [ Video Lecture ]
- Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies, Nick Bostrom (1st Edition), 2014, Oxford University Press [ Video Lecture ]
- The Emotion Machine: Commonsense Thinking, Artificial Intelligence, and the Future of the Human Mind, Marvin Minsky (1st Edition), 2006, Simon & Schuster (Free Book)
- The Society of Mind, Marvin Minsky (1st Edition), 1988, Simon & Schuster [ Video Lectures: MIT 6.868J The Society of Mind (Fall 2011) ]
- Machines like Us: Toward AI with Common Sense, Ronald J. Brachman, Hector Levesque (1st Edition), 2022, MIT Press
- A Thousand Brains: A New Theory of Intelligence, Jeff Hawkins (2nd Edition), 2022, Basic Books [ Video Lecture ]
- The Myth of Artificial Intelligence: Why Computers Can't Think the Way We Do, Erik J. Larson (1st Edition), 2021, Belknap Press
- Genius Makers: The Mavericks Who Brought AI to Google, Facebook, and the World, Cade Metz (1st Edition), 2021, Dutton
- What Computers Still Can't Do: A Critique of Artificial Reason, Hubert L. Dreyfus (1st Edition), 1992, MIT Press
- A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence: What It Is, Where We Are, and Where We Are Going, Michael Wooldridge (1st Edition), 2021, Flatiron Books
- Atlas of AI: Power, Politics, and the Planetary Costs of Artificial Intelligence, Kate Crawford (1st Edition), 2021, Yale University Press
- Linguistics for the Age of AI, Marjorie Mcshane, Sergei Nirenburg (1st Edition), 2021, MIT Press
- AI Assistants, Roberto Pieraccini (1st Edition), 2021, MIT Press
- How Humans Judge Machines, Cesar A. Hidalgo, Diana Orghian, Jordi Albo Canals, Filipa de Almeida, Natalia Martin (1st Edition), 2021, MIT Press
- Your Wit Is My Command: Building AIs with a Sense of Humor, Tony Veale (1st Edition), 2021, MIT Press
- Machine Hallucinations: Architecture and Artificial Intelligence, Neil Leach, Matias del Campo (1st Edition), 2022, Wiley
- The Future of the Professions: How Technology Will Transform the Work of Human Experts, Richard Susskind and Daniel Susskind (1st Edition), 2016, Oxford University
- How to Build Your Career in AI, Andrew Ng (1st Edition), 2022, DeepLearning.AI (Free Book)
- Deep Learning: A Visual Approach, Andrew Glassner (1st Edition), 2021, No Starch Press
- AI & I: An Intellectual History of Artificial Intelligence, Eugene Charniak (1st Edition), 2024, MIT Press
- The AI Marketing Canvas, Raj Venkatesan, Jim Lecinski (1st Edition), 2021, Stanford Business Books
- Robot-Proof: Higher Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, Joseph E. Aoun (1st Edition), 2024, MIT Press
Python Programming:
- Introducing Python for Computer Science and Data Scientists, Paul Deitel, Harvey Deitel (1st Edition), 2020, Pearson
- Introduction to Computation and Programming Using Python: With Application to Computational Modeling and Understanding Data, John V. Guttag (3rd Edition), 2021, MIT Press [ Source Code in Python ]
- Starting out with Python, Tony Gaddis (5th Edition), 2021, Pearson
- Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist, Allen B. Downey (2nd Edition), 2016, O'Reilly Press (Free Book)
- How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python 3, Peter Wentworth, Jeffrey Elkner, Allen B. Downey, Chris Meyers (3rd Edition), 2012 (Free Book)
- A Byte of Python, Swaroop C. H. (4th Edition), 2016 (Free Book)
- Project Python, Devin Balkcom, 2011 (Free Book)
- Python for Everybody: Exploring Data in Python 3, Charles Severance, 2016 (Free Book)
- A Hands-On, Project-Based Introduction to Programming, Eric Matthes (2nd Edition), 2016, No Starch Press (Free Book)
- Learn Python 3 the Hard Way, Zed A. Shaw (1st Edition), 2017, Addison-Wesley
- Introducing Python: Modern Computing in Simple Packages, Bill Lubanovic (2nd Edition), 2019, O'Reilly Press
- Clean Code in Python: Develop Maintainable and Efficient Code, Mariano Anaya (2nd Edition), 2021, Packt
Python Programming for Data Science / Analytics:
- Python Data Science Handbook: Essential Tools for Working with Data, Jake VanderPlas (1st Edition), 2017, O'Reilly Press
- Python for Data Analysis: Data Wrangling with Pandas, NumPy, and IPython, Wes McKinney (2nd Edition), 2017, O'Reilly Press
- Data Science from Scratch: First Principles with Python, Joel Grus (2nd Edition), 2019, O'Reilly Press
- Introduction to Machine Learning with Python: A Guide for Data Scientists, Andreas C. Muller, Sarah Guido (1st Edition), 2017, O'Reilly Press
Data Visualization:
- Data Visualization: A Practical Introduction, Kieran Healy (1st Edition), 2019, Princeton University Press
- Visualization Analysis and Design,Tamara Munzner (1st Edition), 2014, CRC Press
- Better Data Visualizations: A Guide for Scholars, Researchers, and Wonks, Jonathan Schwabish (1st Edition), 2021, Columbia University Press
- The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, Edward R. Tufte (2nd Edition), 2001, Graphics Press
- Fundamentals of Data Visualization - A Primer on Making Informative and Compelling Figures, Claus O. Wilke (1st Edition), 2019, O'Reilly Press (Free Book)
- Making Data Visual - A Practical Guide to Using Visualization for Insight, Danyel Fisher, Miriah Meyer (1st Edition), 2018, O'Reilly Press
- Storytelling with Data: A Data Visualization Guide for Business Professionals, Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic (1st Edition), 2015, Wiley
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